Electric Scooter for Kids Huntington Beach California

Electric Scooter for Kids Huntington Beach California

B. inggris In the Hospital I visit the hospital because my friend stays there after getting accident today. The doctor examines him using stethoscope. He gets syringe once to out it's misery, he sleeps on the hospital cot but he can take a walk around the hospital using wheel chait. He is taken care by nurses. A nurse prepares his medicine three times a day. After three days, he gets better. He can go home and back to school, his bike carefully to avoid the second accident and stay at hospital. di artikan bhs indo nesia​

In the Hospital I visit the hospital because my friend stays there after getting accident today. The doctor examines him using stethoscope. He gets syringe once to out it's misery, he sleeps on the hospital cot but he can take a walk around the hospital using wheel chait. He is taken care by nurses. A nurse prepares his medicine three times a day. After three days, he gets better. He can go home and back to school, his bike carefully to avoid the second accident and stay at hospital. di artikan bhs indo nesia​


Di Rumah Sakit saya mengunjungi rumah sakit karena teman saya tinggal di sana setelah mendapat kecelakaan hari ini. Dokter memeriksanya menggunakan stetoskop. Dia mendapat suntikan sekali untuk menghilangkan penderitaannya, dia tidur di ranjang rumah sakit tapi dia bisa berjalan-jalan di sekitar rumah sakit menggunakan kursi roda. Dia dirawat oleh perawat. Seorang perawat menyiapkan obatnya tiga kali sehari. Setelah tiga hari, dia menjadi lebih baik. Dia bisa pulang dan kembali ke sekolah, sepedanya dengan hati-hati untuk menghindari kecelakaan kedua dan tinggal di rumah sakit.


tinggal translate di gogel juga bisa :v
